Monday, November 7, 2016

First Grade Election

Over the last week, the first graders have been discussing the upcoming election, what it means to vote and how the process works.  Last week, we put what we have learned into action as the first grade teachers and I presented our ideas for a First Grade Fun Day.  This was done in a town hall style with each "candidate" presenting their idea and why they think it will be what is best for our grade level.  Student questions followed.

Mrs. Cooper presented All About Me Day, which would include dressing up in clothes that represent you and your interests.  This could include what you want to be when you grow up or something you are passionate about now (sports, science, dancing, music...).  The day would also include a parade through each other's classrooms.
Slogan:  Your future is now!

Mrs. Cibor presented Beach Day (complete with "Wipe Out" playing as she approached the front of the room!)  Her idea was to bring our shorts, flip flops, sunglasses, visors and beach towels to school and pretend we are at the beach!  The day would include laying our towels out and "tanning" while we independently read, along with other beach-themed activities.
Slogan:  Let's take back summer!

Mr. Kefgen presented Silly Sock Day!  This would include no shoes while in our classrooms to show off our silly and craziest socks!  Campaign promises included Mr. Kefgen wearing 5 pairs of silly socks and taking one pair off every hour to reveal the next, wearing socks on his hands, and even having a sock hop dance party!
Slogan:  Free your feet and SOCK the vote!

After hearing the candidates' ideas, the first graders had a chance to vote for their favorite.  We began by reading the book Duck for President by Doreen Cronin and then using our Scholastic News account to learn more about voting and elections.  Finally, the time came for us to exercise our right to vote!  We even made a voting booth in our classroom compete with ballot boxes, ballots and privacy!  After voting, we all received "I Voted" stickers just like grown ups do!  

Stayed tuned to hear the outcome of our First Grade Fun Day election as results will be announced on Wednesday!

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