Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Little Green Thumbs

For the month of December, we will be taking care of Amaryllis flowers, and measuring them each week!  Both the boys and the girls have a flower to care for, including watering and turning the plant to make sure that it gets sun light all around.  Here we are discovering the plants before planting them.  We talked about what a bulb is, what roots are, and what plants need to grow.

The kindergarteners also had to come up with a name for their plant.  They were told to agree on a name that everyone was happy with.  The boys chose to have a discussion where everyone shared their favorite name before choosing to name the plant Henry Squinky!

The girls chose a voting system by putting their hands in the middle.  They decided on Barbie Pretty Disney Princess Petals.  With a first, middle and last name, everyone was able to contribute!

Stay tuned to see how much our plants grow each week as we measure them with different objects!

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