Saturday, March 19, 2011

Winter Exhibitions

Wow!  Exhibitions this week have been fantastic! I am so proud of all the hard work that each student put into their presentation!  Each family should have received their Spring Exhibition packet in their child's folder by last Friday.  This packet included the following:

-The filled out learning plan for your child with the goals that we set for them.  The plan should have been signed by both myself and a member of the family that shows agreement and understanding of the goals.

-The list of Milestone due dates.  Please try to have each portion of your child's exhibition completed by each milestone.  Doing manageable portions of the project at a time will help your child be better prepared and keep every one's stress level down.  Please remember, 1st graders can not process and recall large chunks of information as easily as adults, and they are the ones presenting the information.

-Handouts for the list of resources, new facts learned and a "How-to" guide to function machines were also included.  If these papers are misplaced, please let me know so that I can replace them.  The facts and resources can also be written on a separate piece of paper if needed.

Please let me know you have any questions or did not receive your exhibition packet.  Thank you in advance for the continued support from home.   Please be on the lookout for pictures that are coming soon!

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