Friday, March 14, 2014

Door Decorating

For March is Reading Month, each classroom decorated their door based on either the concept of reading or a specific book that their class enjoys. Our class chose the book Elmer!

Elmer is a fantastic book about a patchwork elephant. All of the other elephants are gray colored, and Elmer is not happy being different. One day, he leaves the herd and finds a berry bush. He uses the berry juice to paint himself gray, just like the other elephants. When he returns to his herd, the other elephants don't recognize him. But when it starts to rain, the berry juice is washed away and Elmer is back to being his colorful self! The other elephants remind Elmer how special he was at the beginning and how much they have always loved him because of that! They then decide to paint themselves to look like Elmer one day year, and Elmer will paint himself gray, so he will always be special!

Here is our Door Decor which includes our own patchwork elephant pictures. We also included reasons why we are special. 

During conferences, please check out our door to see why we are all special!

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