Thursday, May 23, 2013

Project Soap

As a service learning project, the Harlan kindergarteners learned about the needs of other countries.  We focused on the need for clean water and soap to stay safe and healthy.  One of Mrs. Mills' parents has been volunteering in Kenya and presented the project to the children.  The children learned that many people in Kenya, and other parts of the world, get sick because they are not able to wash their hands. 

 Following the presentation, we made our own soap to send to Kenya this summer!

First we grated bars of soap...

Then we mixed the grated soap with water, food coloring and food extract!  We made yellow, blue, green and red soap that smelled like vanilla, bananas, peppermint and lemons!

Finally, we rolled the soap mixture into balls and hid toys inside them as a surprise for the children in Kenya! 

We had such a great time...and the room never smelled so clean!  I am so proud of the kindergarteners for helping those in need.  Thank you so much to the many parents who came in to help us make our soap!

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