Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Media Center Books

Last week was the last time that we will be taking books home from the media center.  If you have any books that still need to be returned, please send them back into school as soon as possible so that Mrs. Stayer can complete her end-of-the-year library inventory.  Thank you!

Thank You!

I wanted to express my gratitude for the wonderful surprise birthday party last week!  I was truly surprised and touched by the warm wishes and thoughtful gifts!  The best part was sharing the excitement with the children!

I know lots of pictures were taken, and I was wondering if anyone has a copy of the group picture with the children and myself?   If possible, I would love to have a copy of that photo.  Thank you in advance!  

Citizen Scientists

Last week, the whole school was able to Skype with the author of Citizen Scientist.  She explained that there are so many possibilities and that everyone can be a scientist this summer! Mrs. Stayer then introduced the Harlan Summer Project 2013.  We are asking as many families as possible to participate in Citizen Scientist and the Fall Science Expo by choosing something they are interested in learning more about.  As a class, we discussed things we were interested in doing right in our own backyards!  Here are some of our ideas:

Observe butterflies and compare the different wing patterns, shapes and sizes of different species.

Raise tadpoles into frogs and document the process.

Hatch chickens from eggs and record your observations.

Look under rocks and logs to find bugs and see what types of food they like to eat.

Create a composting box and worm garden, and write down what you see happening.

Grow plants and seeds in pots and clear plastic bags to see what happens when the roots begin to grow.

If you have any questions, please let me know!  All the information including a flyer, observation notebook and instructional bookmark have been sent home.  I am really looking forward to seeing what the children choose to do over the summer!  Good luck, citizen scientists of room 100!

The Circus is Coming to Halran!

Tomorrow, Thursday, May 30, Harlan will be transformed into a circus,complete with a performance showcasing amazing acts and skills put on by the staff and students!

Mrs. Parr, our PE teacher, has been working with a wonderful group called Cirque Amongus!  They will be training the staff of Harlan how to perform different circus acts including juggling, tightrope walking, balancing, acrobatics, magic and swinging on the trapeze!  Thursday morning, the staff will be teaching the children how to perform these acts in small groups.  After choosing a skill that the children are best at, they will be practicing for our afternoon performance!

If you are able to come, our performance will begin around 2:30pm. 

Please have your child wear their red class t-shirts.  If you do not have a class shirt, please have your child wear a different shirt.  They may also bring  a water bottle and sun screen (we are thinking optimistically!).

If you will be joining us for the performance and taking your child home afterwards.  Please remember to sign them out in the office.  Thank you in advance!

Harlan Book Fair

This week, the kindergartners were able to visit the book fair that is being held in the media center.  They were also able to fill out a wish list of books that they were interested in having at home.  Today your child will be bringing home their wish list, as well as book fair information.

The fair will be open after school today, as well as during the day and after school on Thursday, and will be open before school on Friday.

There are some wonderful books available!  I hope to see you there!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Project Soap

As a service learning project, the Harlan kindergarteners learned about the needs of other countries.  We focused on the need for clean water and soap to stay safe and healthy.  One of Mrs. Mills' parents has been volunteering in Kenya and presented the project to the children.  The children learned that many people in Kenya, and other parts of the world, get sick because they are not able to wash their hands. 

 Following the presentation, we made our own soap to send to Kenya this summer!

First we grated bars of soap...

Then we mixed the grated soap with water, food coloring and food extract!  We made yellow, blue, green and red soap that smelled like vanilla, bananas, peppermint and lemons!

Finally, we rolled the soap mixture into balls and hid toys inside them as a surprise for the children in Kenya! 

We had such a great time...and the room never smelled so clean!  I am so proud of the kindergarteners for helping those in need.  Thank you so much to the many parents who came in to help us make our soap!

ABC Salad Bar

At lunch yesterday, the children were treated to an exciting surprise!  After eating their lunch, they were all able to visit the ABC Salad Bar!  The salad bar had fresh fruits and vegetables that started with each letter of the alphabet!  It went from apples all the way to zucchini!  The kindergartenrs were so excited to try new foods like ugli fruit, dates and star fruit, but also enjoyed some favorites like strawberries, pineapple and carrots.  The alphabet is always more fun when you can eat it!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Checking Food Labels

I am asking all families to please check the packages of snacks that are being sent in to school.  Several snacks have been brought in labeled "manufactured in a facility that also processes peanuts."  Please remember that all foods must be peanut and tree nut free.  Thank you in advance for your help.

Service Project

Tomorrow afternoon, the kindergarten classes will be participating in a service project on hygiene.  They will be discussing how some countries do not have the things they need to stay clean and healthy.  Each class will then be making special soap in their own classrooms.

Our room parents have informed me that there is something special that the parents are doing for the students tomorrow from 1:15 - 2:00pm.  Any parents are welcome to stay after and join us for the presentation and soap making.  Volunteers are always appreciated   :) 

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Kindergarten Band

Mrs. Cooper was nice enough to send me this picture of our class working together as a music team!  I loved how excited they were to tell me about all the instruments they were able to try!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Safe Snacks

Below is a list of safe snacks that can be brought into our classroom.  This website, Snack Safely, mentions dozens of snacks that do not include peanuts, tree nuts or eggs.  The site also reminds readers that they should still check packages before sending them into school.  Also safe to bring, but not mentioned on the list, is fruit and vegetables.

If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thank you in advance!


Our Trip to Cranbrook

We had such a great time at the Cranbrook Science Center!  Thank you so much to the parents who were able to join us on our trip.  Here we are excavating fossils at our own dig sites.  We used tools to dig and brush away sand, just like real archaeologists!

Next, we traveled to a different room where we looked at different types of tools that early man used.  This included spears and bows and arrows.  These were demonstrated to us outside using a picture of a buffalo.  We were amazed at how early people kept thinking of news ways to hunt, while getting further away from the animal to keep themselves safe!

We then visited a room where we learned how early people used their environment to live.  This included seeing different types of furs, horns and tools.  We also learned how early people made paint with water and different colored rocks.  We loved fingering painting our own group cave picture!

Finally, we were able see to a life-size replica of a mastodon, which is a close relative of the woolly mammoth!  It was huge!

Thank you so much to Cranbrook for such a great day!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Peanut / Tree Nut Allergy

On Monday, we will be welcoming a new student into our classroom.  Our new friend will be coming with a peanut and tree nut allergy.  Beginning on Monday, Room 100 will be a Peanut/Tree Nut Free Classroom.  I am asking all of our families not send in any foods that contain peanuts, tree nuts or were produced in a facility that uses peanuts and tree nuts.

If your child's lunch or snack does include one of these foods, it will have to stay outside the classroom in the hall.  When preparing lunch or snack, please make sure to read the labels on packages to see if it contains peanuts or tree nuts, or was made in a facility that uses peanuts and tree nuts.

I will research and compile a list of safe snacks over the weekend for convenience.  I will also send additional information as it becomes available.

Thank you very much in advance for your help in keeping all of our students safe and comfortable.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

NWEA Reading Assessment

Our class will be taking the NWEA reading assessment tomorrow, Friday, May 17.  Please be sure your child has a good night sleep and a healthy breakfast.  Thank you!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Kindergarten Service Project

Our class is looking for a few parents who are able to join us in the next few weeks and help us make soap!  We will send the soap to countries that need are in need, as we learn about hygiene and staying healthy.  If you think you may be available to help, please let me know.  Thank you!

Popcorn Sale

There will be a popcorn sale tomorrow, Thursday, May 16.  The cost is $0.50 / bag.  If you are interested in having your child purchase popcorn tomorrow, please send them to school with $0.50.  If your child is purchasing more than one bag of popcorn, please let me know. 

Strep Throat

There is a case of strep throat in our grade level.  Please be on the lookout for symptoms.  Thank you in advance!

Monday, May 13, 2013

NWEA Testing this week

Our class is scheduled to take our Spring NWEA assessment this week.  This is the same assessment that we took in January, and the results were mailed to you. 

I wanted to let you know that we will be taking the math assessment tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14.  Please make sure that your child gets a good night's sleep and has a healthy breakfast. 

We will be taking the reading assessment on Friday, May 17.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Field Trip Reminder

This Wednesday we will be going to the Cranbrook Science Center.  We will be leaving on the bus at 12:45pm to arrive at Cranbrook by 1:00pm.  We should be returning to Harlan by 3:00pm.

If you are joining us as a chaperone, you should have received a confirmation email that I received your volunteer request.  Because we will be traveling with another BPS school, we are asking that chaperones travel separately and meet us at Cranbrook.  This is different than what I had mentioned to some chaperones previously, and I apologize for the misinformation.  Chaperones should meet us at Cranbrook a little before 1:00pm.

If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thank you!

Specials Schedule for the Week of 5/13 - 5/17

Monday (C) - PE (Please remember to bring your gym shoes)
Tuesday (D) - Art & PE (Please remember to bring your gym shoes)
Wednesday (A) - Media Center (Please remember to bring your library books)
Thursday (B) - Music
Friday (C) - PE (Please remember to bring your gym shoes)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Poetry Books

Please remember to bring your poetry books back to school on Monday.  The poems this past week were "Here is a Bunny" and "We Can".  I hope you had fun reading the new poems with your children this weekend!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sunflowers for Mother's Day

This Friday, the kindergarteners brought home the sunflowers they planted during our science plant unit.  We carefully planted seeds, found a bright sunny spot on the window sill and watered them several times a week!

Please except these growing flowers as a Mother's Day gift from the children to show how much they have grown this year in kindergarten!

Happy Mother's Day

A great big THANK YOU!!

I wanted to express my gratitude for such an amazing Teacher Appreciation Week!  Words cannot express how fortunate I am to be teaching at Harlan and to have such wonderful families in my classroom!  The kind words, flowers, cards, poems and gifts truly touched my heart.  I thank each and every family for everything you do for our classroom and your children.  I am extremely grateful to have been a small part of your family this year!

Thank you again and please know how appreciated the staff of Harlan and I have felt this year, especially this past week!  Enjoy your weekend!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

School Lunch Bottled Water

Our lunch room staff would like to remind families that bottled water does not come with a purchased school lunch, and is charged extra.  School lunches are served with the choice of milk or juice.  Many children are choosing water instead of milk or juice and are being charged an extra fee.  The lunch staff wanted Harlan families to know so that you were aware of why your child's lunch account may have gotten smaller faster than you had anticipated.

If you have any questions, please let me know. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Plant Sale

This Thursday, May 9, Harlan will be holding a plant sale.  Plants are $0.50/each and $1.00 for strawberry plants.  If your child will be purchasing plants, please send the money into school in a bag or envelope with a note attached that explains what you would like to purchase. 

Thank you in advance!


I have been notified that there is a case of pinkeye in our grade level.  Please be on the lookout for symptoms.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


This is a final gentle reminder that there is NO SCHOOL TOMORROW MORNING, MAY 8.  In the morning, this year's preschoolers will be visiting there classrooms for next year.  The current kindergarteners will begin their day at 12:50 and have a normal afternoon. 

Please meet me at the front doors at 12:50 and I will bring our class to the room.  If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Art Fair

This week the students of Harlan presented their creations at the annual Art Fair!  The art samples were amazing and Mr. Fackler did an excellent job of putting the show together!  Here are some of the kindergarteners' artistic contributions:



Specials Schedule for the Week of 5/6 - 5/10

Monday (B) - Music
Tuesday (C) - PE (Please remember your gym shoes)
Wednesday - PE (Please remember your gym shoes) - We will not have Art this day because there is no school for the current kindergarteners in the morning because of Kindergarten Visitation.
Thursday (A) - Media Center (Please remember your library books)
Friday (B) - Music